Masks Are The New Condoms - A Condom for Your Face !!

A mask is a condom for your face..!!! Courtesy of my cousin, Jeneane Sessum…

Before AIDS appeared in 1981, condoms were not used very often. Once we learned that HIV was a sexually transmitted infection, we began to promote condom use to prevent HIV spread.

That was the “Safer Sex” era. Condoms are still part of the prevention package.

Also, we have a drug to prevent HIV (PrEP, pre-exposure prophylaxis/prevention), in addition to condoms.

COVID-19 and HIV are different viruses. COVID-19 is spread by respiratory droplets that contain virus and not spread by sex.

Condoms are for sexually active people who have some risk for HIV. Masks are for everyone.

Why masks for all?

  • Did you ever cough or sneeze while wearing a mask? The mask catches the droplets and prevents spread of COVID to other people

  • There are no drugs or vaccines to prevent COVID 19 yet—the mask, hand washing, hand sanitizers, and physical distancing are all we’ve got

  • A respiratory virus changes everything—COVID 19 is transmitted by droplets, and HIV is spread through sex. They are different viruses.

  • Wearing a mask is easier and better than being on a ventilator.

Without the mask the droplets are spread at least 6 feet, and often farther. COVID enters the body through the nose, mouth, and the pink tissue of the eye (conjunctiva). The mask blocks the spread to the person on the right.

Without the mask the droplets are spread at least 6 feet, and often farther. COVID enters the body through the nose, mouth, and the pink tissue of the eye (conjunctiva). The mask blocks the spread to the person on the right.


I'd Rather Wear a Mask Than Be on a Ventilator!


COVID - Testing - Social Justice